Elk Hill Road
DESCRIPTION: Elk Hill Road (Tuscarora State Forest)is a mix of conifers at lower elevations and mixed hardwood and brush at higher elevations. There is a wetland area across the street from the parking area at the bottom of the hill.
Fourteen species of warbler can be found there in the summer. Including Northern Parula, Black-throated Green, Blackburnian, Cerulean, Black-and-White, American Redstart, Ovenbird, Worm-eating, Hooded, Louisiana Waterthrush, Yellow, Common Yellowthroat and Yellow-breasted Chat. Ruffed Grouse, Yellow-throated Vireo, and Acadian Flycatcher also breed there. Olive-sided Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, and Golden-winged Warbler have been reported during Spring migration. Ceruleans are easy to find in the middle portion of the hill.
DIRECTIONS: Elk Hill Road is located 0.7 miles south of Colonel Denning State Park on PA 233.From I- 81 take Exit 37 and go north on PA 233 toward Newville. Go 12 miles on PA 233. Elk Hill Road will be on your left. If you see the main entrance for Colonel Denning State Park you have gone too far.
The best way to bird Elk Hill is with two cars so you can park one car at the bottom of the hill and park the other at the top of the hill. Then, walk the little less than two miles back down the hill. You can bird the hill with one vehicle but pull-off areas are sparse and you have to make sure you keep the road clear as logging trucks do use the road.