Rasselas Marsh
DESCRIPTION: This marsh is mostly sedge/rush with some cattails. Wood Duck and Mallard can be easily located as well as Sedge Wren, Sora, and Virginia Rail. Northern Harrier hunt the fields around the marsh and, in the winter, Short-eared Owl may be found. Willow, Alder, and Least flycatchers are easily observed from the road. Swamp Sparrows are numerous. American Bittern is an irregular breeder here.
DIRECTIONS: From US 219/PA 321 in Wilcox, go north on US 219 for 0.5 mile and turn right on Rasselas Road and go 4.8 miles to Rasselas. The marsh is ahead on the south side of the road. You can bird the north side from Rasselas Road or walk down the railroad bed to check the south side.