Camp Michaux
DESCRIPTION: This area in Michaux SF has a variety of habitats including conifer plantations which are a great place to find winter Crossbills, Redpolls and Red-breasted Nuthatches in irruption years and where Golden-crowned Kinglets have bred. Hooded Warblers and American Redstarts are abundant breeders here. It is one of the few places in the county that you might find Kentucky Warblers breeding.
Other species of warblers that breed there include Blue-winged, Cerulean, Black- and-white, Northern Parula, Ovenbird, Common Yellowthroat, and Louisiana Waterthrush. Though not as common as they once were, if you're lucky you can occasionally scare up a Ruffed Grouse. Acadian Flycatcher and Scarlet Tanager are also regular breeders. It is also a pretty decent migrant trap in both the spring and the fall.
DIRECTIONS: From I-81 take exit 37 south onto PA 233 until you reach Pine Grove Furnace State Park. Take a right and in a couple of miles take a right onto Camp Michaux Road. Go 1.3 miles to Bunker Hill Road on the right where there is a parking area. From US 30/PA 233, go north on PA 233 for 12 miles and turn left (west) on Camp Michaux Road to Bunker Hill Road.
There are many trails to wander at Camp Michaux. A fairly easy 2 mile loop can be walked by heading down Bunker Hill Road until you get to a four way intersection. Straight ahead is cabin. To either the left or right is the Appalachian Trail. Take a left unto the AT and walk uphill until you get to the paved Camp Michaux Road. Take a left onto Camp Michaux Road and it will take you back to Bunker Hill Road.