Tyler Arboretum
DESCRIPTION: The Tyler Arboretum has approximately 700 acres of hardwood forests, flower gardens, and open fields. It is situated near Lima in Middletown Township and is adjacent to Ridley Creek State Park. It offers excellent birding year-round.
DIRECTIONS: To reach the Arboretum from PA 352 and US 1, follow PA 352 north for 2.0 miles and turn right onto Forge Road. Continue 0.3 miles and turn right onto Painter Road. Go 0.2 miles and turn left into the parking area. There is a small admission fee for nonmembers. At the bookshop you can obtain a bird checklist and a map with 20 miles of hiking trails.
The coniferous trees near the parking area are a good place to start a birding hike through the arboretum. These trees attract chickadees, titmice, and kinglets during the winter and several species of migrant warblers in spring and fall. The open fields to the west of the parking area are good for sparrows at any time of year. The field is encircled by a bluebird nestbox trail. Returning to the parking area follow the macadam road to the ponds. White-eyed Vireo, Northern Parula, and American Redstart can be found in this vicinity. As you enter the woods keep alert for Louisiana Waterthrush, which nests along the creek. As you exit the woods you will enter a section of the arboretum called Middle Farm. This is an excellent area for migrant flycatchers, vireos, and warblers in both spring and fall.
From here, one can continue straight ahead following the trail which borders Rocky Run deeper into the woods or following a trail to the right uphill. The latter trail will pass through a section of dogwood trees, an open field and head towards the Pinetum.
The Pinetum, a collection of several different types of coniferous trees, is a good place to find Pine Warbler in spring. This particular area also has attracted Long-eared and Northern Saw-whet owls and winter finches during the winter.
Following the paths back towards the parking area you will crisscross several fields and wood edges and an extensive collection of rhododendrons. Cross Rocky Run by way of the wooden bridge and during the winter stop at the feeding station outside of the education center and barn.
The East Woods section of the Arboretum located along Barren Road is one of the most reliable locations for Hooded Warbler in the county. Several pairs nest here annually.
In addition to the birds, the Arboretum is a wonderful place to study plants and flowers and the numerous butterflies they attract.