West Eldred Marsh
DESCRIPTION: This marsh has a few different habitats. Part of the marsh is typical sedge/rush and grass with a little open water that abuts an old railroad grade. Another part of the marsh is wooded with a hemlock and balsam fir swampy area. The property is owned by the PGC which plans on purchasing more of it in the future. Birds found in the wooded section include typical forest dwelling species and specialized species such as Northern Waterthrush and Yellow-rumped Warbler. Red-shouldered Hawk nest in the area and Barred Owl can be found at night.
In the sedge/grass marsh, Wilson's Snipe breed and other marsh birds can be found as well. Sedge Wren breed in the drier rushes to the west. Sora and Virginia Rail can be found in the wetter portions of the grasses. American Black Duck and Hooded Merganser have been recorded here, as well as numerous Wood Duck. Herons and egrets can also be found here in the summer. Swamp Sparrow are numerous.
DIRECTIONS: Located about 0.25 mile north of PA 346 on SR 1011 (Barnum Road). To enter the wooded area, there is a small parking area on the west side of SR 1011 just north of Knapp Creek. Rough trails can be walked through the area. The sedge/grass marsh is located just north of the parking area on both sides of SR 1011. Although it can be walked in, this is difficult and birding should be done from the roadside