Safe Harbor
DESCRIPTION: The Susquehanna River in the vicinity of Safe Harbor Dam is attractive to large numbers of gulls and, at times, to concentrations of waterfowl. The number of birds present varies depending on the water level, which is controlled by the operation of the power plant. Large schools of fish, a tremendous food source for gulls and waterfowl, are often in the area just below the dam. The best time to look for gulls is generally from November to April.
The parking lot is usually open to visitors and is the best viewing area, but a spotting scope is necessary. Ring-billed, Herring and Great Black-backed gulls are usually numerous. Both Iceland and Glaucous gulls have been seen irregularly.
The Conestoga River ends its trip through Lancaster County at Safe Harbor. Land-birding in the Safe Harbor vicinity can be rewarding. There are extensive woodlands, both deciduous and coniferous (planted), and several large areas are maintained as public parks. Great Horned Owl and Pileated Woodpecker are present but seldom seen. A variety of passerines can be observed along the banks of the Conestoga. Among breeding species are Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Easter Wood-Pewee, Acadian Flycatcher, Eastern Phoebe, Great Crested Flycatcher, Carolina Wren, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Wood Thrush, Warbling and Red-eyed vireos, Yellow Warbler, American Redstart, Louisiana Waterthrush, and Baltimore Oriole.
The pinewoods in the area are of special interest in winter. These woods, planted mainly in even rows during the period when the dam was being constructed, are now mature. Among species usually present are Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet,and Black-capped and Carolina chickadees.
DIRECTIONS: From Washington Boro, go south on River Road for 7.4 miles to entrance on the right. Another possibility is to go to the observation area maintained by the Safe Harbor Water Power Corporation. The Safe Harbor Observation Site is marked by a number of signs. It is between Highville and Safe Harbor, off of River Road, and is reached by turning onto Oak Road, which goes only one direction from River Road. Follow signs 1.6 miles to the parking area overlooking the Susquehanna River. The Oak Road intersection is 1.9 miles north of the intersection of River Road and the road to Safe Harbor Dam, and 1.1 miles south of the Solid Waste Management Landfill entrance, just north of Highville on the River Road. As the observation site is approached, there will be open brush areas, woodlands, and power line cuts worth investigating. From the parking lot, check the river for aquatic species.