


East Avenue, Erie


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DESCRIPTION: Looking directly across the inlet you will see the lighthouse at the north pier as well as Gull Point in the distance. Looking a little more to your right and you will be able to view the open water of Lake Erie. This is an excellent place to look for gulls and waterfowl in the spring and in late fall and winter. Some interesting birds seen here in the past have been: Red-throated Loon, Eared Grebe, Black-crowned Night-Heron, all three scoter species, Long-tailed Duck, Franklin's, Little, Thayer's, Iceland, Lesser Black-backed, and Glaucous Gulls.

DIRECTIONS: This site is located on the lake front at the foot of East Avenue on the west side of Erie. To reach this site, drive east on Rt. 5 to the Bayfront Highway. Continue driving east on Bayfront Highway until it comes to a junction (about 1.5 miles east of State Street). This junction is East Avenue. Turn left on East Avenue and drive down the short hill and make a right immediately after crossing over a set of railroad tracks. Continue on this winding road (about 1/4 mile) until it comes to a large parking area at the water.


Map - other than Google (Click on map for larger view)


Posted: Oct 24, 2009
Updated: Jan 01, 1970