


Lock 12


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DESCRIPTION: Lock 12 is part of the PPL Holtwood Preserve on the West shore of the Susquehanna River in York County. It is traversed south to north by McCall's Ferry Road (gravel) and is accessed from PA 372 at the west end of the Norman Wood Bridge. It is part of IBA #57.

It is noted as a nesting site for the following: Bald Eagle, Osprey, Northern Parula, Cerulean Warbler, Baltimore and Orchard orioles, Indigo Bunting, Yellow-throated Vireo, Yellow-breasted Chat, and many others, including possible Black Vulture.

At present it is maintained by PPL as an historic/natural area, being part of the watershed for the Holtwood Dam, but may soon be under the control of the Lancaster County Conservancy and DCNR.

DIRECTIONS: From PA 372, just on the west side of the Susquehanna River, go north on McCall's Ferry Road. Bird along this road for about 1.5 miles up to the Holtwood Dam. There is a parking lot, with restrooms open from May thru October, just to the right as you turn onto McCall's Ferry Road from PA 372. From there a concrete walk takes you down to the Lock, past a restored lime kiln, and across Anderson Run via a footbridge to the interpretive area of Lock 12. (This area has yielded nesting Orioles, RE Vireos, N.Parulas, RT Hummingbirds, BG Gnatcatchers, Wood Pewees, and probably Cerulean Warblers).


Map - other than Google (Click on map for larger view)


Posted: Oct 24, 2009
Updated: Dec 31, 2009