Hunters Lane
DESCRIPTION: This is an easily accessible birding area just a few miles from the Donegal Exit of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The Blair Brothers railroad grade passes through wetlands, secondary forests, old fields, and rhododendron thickets. The southern end parallels Indian Creek. The variety of habitat produces quite a few songbird species. It is also botanically rich with a long list of wildflowers. This is one of the few places in Westmoreland County where Golden-winged Warbler still breed. Listen for it at the beginning of the trail.
DIRECTIONS: From the Donegal Exit of the PA Turnpike, go east on PA 31 for 2.8 miles to Jones Mills. Turn left (north) onto PA 381 and drive 1.4 miles to the first left which is Hunter's Lane. Go down the dirt road 0.1 mile where you'll come to a bridge with a parking lot. About 30 yards down the road on your left is the old Blair Brother's railroad grade. Before hiking down this old logging railroad trail, you might want to check out the Great Blue Heron rookery about 200 yards north. It is not visible from the bridge, so walk down Hunter's Lane about 100 yards to a field on the right where you can see the nests from the road.
The old grade continues back to a parking lot near PA 31 and you can return to your car along PA 381 or the Darr Trail and Mountain Streams Trail that parallel PA 381 on the east side.