Donegal Lake and Randal Reserve
DESCRIPTION: Formed just over 20 years ago by the PFBC, Donegal Lake has become a stopover for migrating waterfowl. Spring and fall are the best times to see Tundra Swan, loons, grebes and some of the sea ducks. Unusual species that have been seen in the area include Glossy Ibis, American Avocet, Cinnamon Teal. Willet, Sanderling, Baird's Sandpiper, and Caspian Tern.
Randal Reserve, just north of the lake, has a mile-long loop trail that parrallels Four Mile Run. Louisiana Waterthrush, Yellow and Black-and-White warblers, Scarlet Tanager, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak are representative of the birds found here.
DIRECTIONS: From the Donegal Exit of the PA Turnpike, turn left (east) onto PA 31, go 0.3 mile, and turn left (north) again onto PA 711 North. Follow PA 711 for 2 miles to Donegal Lake Road and turn left (west). This road will have several places where you can pull off to scan the lake. A scope is a must.
From PA 711 the Randal Reserve is 1.8 miles on Donegal Lake Road. The parking area is on the right. You can stay on this road until it ends at PA 130 (3.2 miles). Turn right onto PA 130 and go east until you come to PA 711 again (1.7 miles). Turn left (north) on PA 711. Follow this road until you reach US 30 (8.4 miles). Along this section keep your eyes open for Northern Harrier, Rough-legged Hawk (winter) and Canada Geese feeding in the fields. Watch for small flocks of Horned Lark and possibly Snow Bunting in winter.