Whitetail/Dunnings Creek Wetlands
DESCRIPTION: This man-made wetlands was created and managed primarily for birds. This cooperative venture between the USFWS, PGC, FBC, Army Corp of Engineers, Bedford Soil Conservation Service, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, and Grouse Unlimited was the result of the efforts of Dr. Tom Dick and Connie Hunt (the owners), who were responsible for much of the funding and the coordination of the design and construction of the impoundments.
There are many potholes surrounded by vegetation for amphibians built into the plan and uplands with native grasses for field birds. Mostly it's old successional fields. The hillside on the north side of the wetlands are good for migrant warblers and in season hosts nesting Golden-winged Warblers.
The water level in the ponds is controlled by gates so optimum conditions can be maintained for migrant shorebirds and waterfowl at the appropriate times of the year. In addition to the wetlands, the wooded hillsides provide habitat for woodland and edge species.
Only John Heinz NWR (Philadelphia/Delaware), Presque Isle SP (Erie), and the Conejohela Flats (Lancaster) get more shorebirds. The waterfowl migration is also very impressive. Although advanced permission is required to access the property, it is well worth the inconvenience as this is one of the premier birding sites in the state.
This area is actually two properties -- Whitetail Wetlands and Dunnings Creek Wetlands. The western portion is Whitetail Wetlands, which has a lodge for visitors. The ponds of Whitetail are more open and favorable to swans and geese. The ponds of the eastern portion, or Dunnings Creek Wetlands, are more "wild" and provide cover for marsh birds, puddle ducks and waders.
Advanced permission is needed for access to both properties (see contact information below). More information may be viewed at www.AlleghenyPlateauAudubon.org.Whitetail Wetlands
967 Dunnings Creek Rd.
P.O. Box 368
New Paris, PA 15554
Dunnings Creek Wetlands
c/o Dr. Tom Dick
DIRECTIONS: From Schellsburg, take PA 96 north 6.7 miles and turn right (east) on Crissman Road. Go 2 miles and turn left (north) on Mennonite Road leading into Whitetail Wetlands.