Loyalsock State Forest and Eagles Mere (Previously named Wyoming State Forest)
DESCRIPTION: This extensive portion of Sullivan County has miles and miles of forest roads to explore. Extensive forests, spotted with mountaintop bogs, provide habitat for northern warblers and owls. Merlin have nested recently in Eagles Mere.
Breeding birds include thrushes - Wood, Hermit, Veery, Swainson's. Mourning Warbler also found in old clearcuts along
Dry Run Road and McCarty Road. Occasionally Yellow-breasted Chat and Red-headed Woodpecker also found at High Knob. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is the most common nesting woodpecker. White-throated Sparrow and Northern Waterthrush can be found in the forested wetlands. Broad-winged Hawk and Red-shouldered Hawk can be seen in Eagles Mere as well as LSF.
DIRECTIONS: There are several recommended roads to bird. From PA 87/PA 154 in Forksville, go south on PA 154 for 2.5 miles and turn right (west) on SR 3009. Go 1.8 miles and turn right (west) on Coal Mine Road. This road makes a 5-mile loop, returning to SR 3009 0.3 miles south. It has no traffic and can be birded leisurely.
From the return point, continue south on SR 3009 for 0.7 miles and turn right (west) on High Knob Road. This 4.6-mile road ends at a scenic overlook. There is a regenerating blowdown on the north side of the loop road near the overlook that has Mourning Warbler.
Return to SR 3009 and go straight across onto Shanersburg Road. This 6.6-mile road, which terminates at PA 87, is another road to bird leisurely.
Return to SR 3009 and continue south for 2.4 miles and turn left (east) on Allegheny Avenue. Go 0.4 mile and turn left (north) on PA 42. Follow PA 42 into Eagles Mere. There is public parking across from the Sweet Shop at the "Village Green" (public park) and next to the General Store/bookshop at the town clock. Please respect the rights of private landowners if you visit. The Eagle Mere Conservancy cabin can be found near the Outlet near the SE corner of the Lake. The Merlin have nested along Pennsylvania Avenue about 2 blocks North of the Eagles Mere shopping center and town clock, an easy walk.