Confluence area
DESCRIPTION: Confluence, in the southwestern portion of the county, is close to Mt Davis but much lower in elevation. Laurel Hill Creek and the Casselman River run into the Youghigheny River giving the town its name. Water sports and a world class bike trail are available, while the 70-mile long Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail starts just to the north. All these can offer varied birding experiences.
The rivers themselves offer waterfowl, especially in winter when the lakes freeze. The area below the Youghigheny dam stays ice free, and ducks, grebes, and Belted Kingfisher may be found in the winter. In breeding season, Cliff Swallow nest under bridges over Laurel Hill Creek. Yellow-throated Warbler are often found in sycamores along the Youghigheny , and Common Merganser recently started breeding along this section.
The real specialty of this area is the "southern" birds, at least by Somerset County standards. Orchard Oriole, Yellow-breasted Chat, Prairie Warbler, Yellow-throated, Warbling, and White-eyed vireos may be found along country roads leading out of Confluence up the many hollows. Carolina Wren survive here even in bad winters and Northern Mockingbird are found. Even Prothonotary Warbler has been reported along Youghigheny Lake.
DIRECTIONS: The Youghiogheny River can be viewed from the east side of the PA 281 bridge and the nearby Allegheny Passage Bike Trail. Alternatively, from the west (Fayette County) side there is a campground below the dam or you can drive across the dam and view the lake's north end.
From the intersection of PA 281 and PA 523 at the north end of Confluence go west on Logan Place for one block, then turn right (north) onto Ross Street which then becomes Hugart Street and then Latrobe Avenue and finally Draketown Road. Follow Draketown Road north between the river and railroad tracks watching for ducks and grebes in winter and Yellow-throated Warbler (in sycamores), Cliff Swallow under bridges, and Warbling and Yellow-throated vireos in riverside trees.
Return to PA 281 and go north, paralleling Laurel Hill Creek for several miles. At 0.45 mile, turn left onto Groff Road, which parallels PA 281. Go 0.8 mile to the intersection with Jersey Hollow Road to look for Orchard Oriole, vireos, and Willow Flycatcher.
Jersey Hollow and the intersecting May Hollow can be explored for Yellow-breasted Chat, Hooded Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Prairie Warbler, and White-eyed Vireo.
Groff Road returns to PA 281 shortly after Jersey Hollow Road. Continue north on PA 281 for 1 mile and stop at the bridge over Laurel Run for nesting Cliff Swallow, orioles and vireos. At 0.3 mile past the bridge turn left onto Humbert Road. Between here and the covered Bridge (1 mile), look for Cerulean Warbler. Continue past the bridge 0.7 mile to Chickenbone Road on the right. This road goes through some nice woods for warblers and vireos before bringing you back to PA 281.