Flight 93 Area
DESCRIPTION: The Flight 93 Temporary Memorial (where United Flight 93 was brought down by terrorists on Sept 11, 2001) is located on an old strip mine covered in grassland and wetland areas. The 2000+ acre site is early successional grasses, scattered shrubs, and planted evergreens. There is a meandering created wetland area of about 10 acres located across from the temporary memorial.
This is a good nesting area for grassland birds including Grasshopper, Vesper, Savannah, and Henslow's sparrows, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, Horned Lark, and possibly the occasional Northern Harrier and Upland Sandpiper. In migration shorebirds such as Short-billed Dowitcher, both Yellowlegs, Pectoral, Least, Semipalmated, Western, and Baird's sandpipers can be found. Spotted Sandpiper and Wilson's Snipe have bred. In winter, Short-eared Owl are expected. Snow Bunting and Lapland Longspur may be found. Rough-legged Hawk should be looked for.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of US 30 and Pa 281, go 2.4 miles east and turn right (south) on Highland Road (SR 1007) which becomes Lambertsville Road. Proceed 1.8 miles to Skyline Drive and turn left (east). This road bisects a large strip mine and the Flight 93 Temporary Memorial is about 0.8 mile down the road on the right. Henslow's and other grassland sparrows are usually easily found across from or slightly north of the memorial. Just past the Memorial on the left are created wetlands/ponds that may harbor shorebirds or waterfowl in season. In winter, look for Short-eared Owl around the Memorial or by driving NE along Stauffer Road, a gravel road about 0.2 mi. NW of the Memorial.