Faylor Lake, Walker Lake, State Game Lands 188
DESCRIPTION: Both Walker and Faylor Lakes provide year-round birding opportunities. Whether walking the trails or exploring the coves via canoe or kayak there is much to discover. Spring, as soon as the lake ice melts, and early summer are the best times. Walker Lake is a 239-acre impoundment located about one mile southeast of Troxelville and is managed by the PFBC.
Faylor Lake is a 140-acre impoundment west of PA 235 between Beaver Springs and Benfer and is managed by the PGC. Since only manually powered boats (no electric or gas motors) are allowed this is the better of the two for fall and spring waterfowl migrations. In recent winters the environs on the west side of the lake has been host to Rough-legged Hawk and Northern Shrike.
A Wetlands Restoration Area in SGL 188 offers opportunities for migrating shorebirds in spring and fall.
DIRECTIONS: To get to Walker Lake from PA 235 in Troxelville go east on Penn's Creek Road one mile and turn right onto Walker Lake Drive. This intersects with Lake Drive at about 0.75 mile. At this intersection a walking trail goes straight for a couple hundred yards to the lake, parking is permitted on the grass as long as you do not block the gate. This is a good spot for Willow Flycatcher and Yellow-breasted Chat. A right turn at this intersection will take you to the main parking lot and boat launch (only electric motors are allowed). This is also the start of a trail that goes west, about one mile, to the dam.
At the west end of the lake there is access from PA 235 about 0.5 miles south of Troxelville. Turn left (east) on Spillway Drive to a small parking area, as well as to a private home, from where you can walk to the dam and spillway.
The Wetlands Restoration Area can be reached from Troxelville by going south on PA 235 for 2 miles and turning left (east) on Back Mountain Road. Go 1.5 miles to the wetland area on the right.
The east end of Faylor Lake (dam and spillway) is reached by turning north on PA 235 from US 522 in Beaver Springs. At 0.25 mile bear left on Mattern Road and follow signs to the Faylor Lake parking lot and boat ramp. The raised parking lot is a good vantage point, especially in the morning, from which to scope the lake. A trail along the south shore of the lake begins here and heads west to the "sunken road bridge".
To access the west side of the lake return to PA 235 and go north, about 2 miles, to Benfer. Turn left on Middle Creek Road in the village of Benfer and go 1.4 miles to Shale Pit Road. Turn left here and you will be at the west side of Faylor Lake in less than a mile. Parking is available at the shale pit (very obvious) and in another small parking area and trail head where Middle Creek flows into Faylor Lake, about 0.25 mile ahead on the left. This is where you may find Rough-legged Hawk and Northern Shrike in winter, a wide variety of waterfowl in spring and fall, and numerous song birds during the breeding season. The trail that follows Middle Creek, the main source for Faylor Lake, is a delightful 0.5 mile stroll through riparian and woodland habitat. Spotted Sandpiper, Warbling and Yellow-throated vireos, and Orchard Oriole are among species nesting in this area.