Ole Bull State Park
DESCRIPTION: This small park has a nice marsh at the southern end that attracts migrating rails and bitterns. Kettle Creek and it's tributary streams host Acadian Flycatchers and Barred Owls nest in the nearby woods. In the main park area a large Norway spruce plantation has nesting Magnolia and Blackburnian warblers.
The nearby Hungry Hollow Road has nesting Swainson's Thrush. Swainson's Thrush are best looked and listened for once the road attains the top of the plateau. Being highly variable due to forestry practices, check any regenerating clearcuts in the vicinity for Mourning Warbler.
DIRECTIONS: This park is located on PA 144 about 25 miles north of Renovo. The marsh is located 0.4 miles south of the Park Office on the west side of the road. Pull off on the west side of PA 144 just across street from Joerg Road.
Go north on PA 144 about 2 miles to the intersection with PA 44, Continue north on PA 144 for 2.3 miles and turn left (west) on Hungry Hollow Road