Long Pine Run Reservoir (Michaux State Forest)
DESCRIPTION: Long Pine Run Reservoir is a picturesque 150-acre impoundment that serves as a water supply for Chambersburg. It is located in the northwest corner of Adams County in the Michaux State Forest. The lake itself is surrounded by a mix of evergreens and hardwoods. During late February to early April and late October through November it can be a good place to see waterfowl. Most of the lake can be viewed with a scope from the boat launch parking area. There is also a trail around the lake that can be hiked. eBird reports show 17 species of waterfowl reported including Tundra Swan, Cackling Goose, Redhead, Surf Scoter, and Red-breasted Merganser. During the months of May and September the surrounding woods via Milesburn and Birch Run roads can be good for warblers and other migrants. Breeding birds in the area include Hooded, Black-throated Blue and Canada warblers, Veery, Acadian Flycatcher, Scarlet Tanger, and other woodland breeders.
DIRECTIONS: You can access Long Pine Run Reservoir from PA 233 via Milesburn Road. The Milesburn entrance is 1.5 miles east of the main entrance to Caledonia State Park and 6 miles west of the intersection of PA 233 and Shippensburg Road.