Carpenter's Woods
DESCRIPTION: Carpenter's Woods is a 12-block rectangle of tall oak woods adjacent to the east side of the Wissahickon Creek. While 35 species of warblers have been recorded 20 species a day can be seen during the peak of migration during the spring. This is an excellent site for observing landbird migrants during spring AND autumn. Raptors, loons, waterbirds, swallows and other diurnal migrants are commonly seen migrating over the woods during spring and autumn. rarer migrants like Bay-breasted Warbler, Grey-cheeked Thrush, Mourning Warbler, Red-headed Woodpecker, and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher should be looked for here. Eastern Screech-Owl peer from their nest holes and Barred Owl call occasionally.
The Woods are in the Mt. Airy section of northwest Philadelphia, touching the Wissahickon Valley on its west, with West Sedgwick Street on the south and West Mt. Pleasant Avenue on the north. It also extends beyond Greene Street to McCallum. On-street parking is best on West Sedgwick Street between Wissahickon and Wayne avenues, or in a small parking area where Wayne Avenue intersects West Sedgwick Street. Across Wissahickon Avenue there are additional wooded areas leading to the Wissahickon Creek and the horse stables, excellent for birding in spring.
DIRECTIONS: From I-76 (Schuylkill Expessway) take Exit 338 and go northeast on Green Lane (right coming from the south, left if coming from the north). Go about 0.9 mile to Ridge Avenue and turn right (south). Continue 0.6 mile to West Walnut Lane and turn left (east). Go 1.2 miles to Wissahickon Avenue and turn left (north). Go 0.95 mile and turn right on West Sedgwick Street. The woods are on the left. The Wayne Avenue bus makes its noisy turn-around at the Wayne Avenue entrance, providing easy and inexpensive access.