Pennypack Park
DESCRIPTION: Pennypack Park follows the Creek for nine miles from the city's border with Montgomery County southeast to the Delaware River, covering 1,600 acres. More than 200 species of birds have been recorded from the upland farm fields in the north and along an extensive set of riparian trails to a 65-acre park, Pennypack on the Delaware, offering parking, porta-potties, and extensive views of the river where Great Cormorant can be seen in winter.
Pennypack on the Delaware [POD] (accessed at Rhawn Street and State Road) is one of the finest birding spots in Philadelphia Co. Over 185 species have been observed at POD in recent years. These include Dickcissel, Nelson's Sparrow, Short-eared Owl, Grasshopper Sparrow, Whimbrel, American Golden Plover. Red Knot, Glaucous Gull, Bonaparte's Gull, Glossy Ibis, Brant, Cackling Goose, Red-necked Phalarope, Sanderling, Vesper Sparrow. American Pipit, Cave Swallow, Red-throated Loon, American Bittern, etc. Bald Eagle nests at POD but Ospreys and Peregrines observed there during the breeding season nest outside of the park.
DIRECTIONS: Your first stop in the Pennypack Park should be the Pennypack Environmental Center (PEC) for easy access to the largest set of trails. Or, use on-street parking farther away from PEC to access trails on each side of the creek along its full length.