Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center
DESCRIPTION: This 1,100-acre park is best noted for its diversity of habitats and attracts some interesting nesting birds as well as many migrants. The brushy fields west of the parking area on Jacobsburg Road/Fehr Road is great for White-eyed Vireo, Blue-winged Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Willow Flycatcher, and Black-billed Cuckoo to name a few. Watch/listen for Alder Flycatcher in late spring and always check Blue-wings for hybrids. American Woodcocks can be seen displaying here early in spring. The warm-season grass fields attract many sparrows in the fall and the occasional Northern Harrier. Sedge Wren nested in a hayfield just down the road from the parking area in 1996.
The bird observation blind area off of Belfast Road is a great area to look for migrants including Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Philadelphia Vireo, many species of warblers including Golden-winged and Connecticut, and Lincoln's Sparrow. Clay-colored Sparrow was seen once at the bird feeding area in May.The butterfly/hummingbird garden attracts good numbers of butterflies and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. The Henrys Woods Trail is a very scenic two-mile walk. Watch for Scarlet Tanagers and Louisiana Waterthrushes during the breeding season. Winter Wren nested here on 2007.The historic Boulton area of Jacobsburg just off of the PA 33 exit is a quiet area of the park which is great birding as well. Summer Tanager was found here once.
Description adapted from Birds of the Lehigh Valley and Vicinty, available at http://www.lehigh.edu/~bcm0/lvas/BOLV.htm.
DIRECTIONS: From US 22 take PA 33 north for 7 miles to the Belfast exit. Go right at the exit and make a left at the stop sign onto Belfast Road. Go 0.5 mile to the main parking lot on the left. A mile further will take you to the headquarters building where information on other parking areas and trails is available