Lehigh River Trail off Hope Road
DESCRIPTION: The Lehigh River Trail goes both east for about 2.5 miles to the Glendon Bridge and west approximately 3 miles to the town of Freemansburg. Birding is best here in the spring and summer. Yellow-throated Warbler arrive early and begin nesting while other warblers are still migrating. A private offshore island is unreachable except by boat but Prothonotary Warbler have nested there. Wood Duck, Mallard, and other commonly expected riverside species are easily seen, but birders must be aware that bikers frequent this public trail.
DIRECTIONS: From I-78 and PA 33, go north on PA 33 and exit at Freemansburg Avenue (mall on right, restaurants on left) and go east 0.2 mile and turn right (south) onto Hope Road, which takes you down to a parking area along the Lehigh River (0.9 mile).