Little Pine State Park
DESCRIPTION: Located in the Little Pine Creek Valley this 2158-acre park offers fine north woods birds with a few extras. During migration the small lake provides habitat for waterfowl and at times water levels in fall have been low enough to attract shorebirds. A pair of Bald Eagles nest on the lake. Although erratic, Yellow-throated Warblers have nested in the white pines located across Little Pine Creek near the camping area and Button Ball Trail. Northern Parula nest along Little Pine Creek and the usual northern warblers can be found nesting in the park.
At the mouth of Little Pine Creek, 4 miles south of the park in the town of Waterville, a colony of Cliff Swallow nest on the PA 44 bridge over Little Pine Creek.
DIRECTIONS: From PA 44 in Waterville, go north on Little Pine Creek Road for 3.4 miles to the park and turn right into the park and then left into the parking area. Check the pines across the bridge for Yellow-throated Warbler.