Callen Run Research Area
DESCRIPTION: Callen Run Research Area, a 2500-acre portion of the 13,000-acre Kittanning State Forest, is located in northern Jefferson County. It consists of continuous second-growth deciduous forests of three types: oak-dominated, mixed hardwoods, and Eastern Hemlock. Most of the area is drained by Callen Run, a tributary to the Clarion River. The streams are bordered in many places by steep slopes.
A total of 176 bird species have been recorded here, with up to 60 breeding. Characteristic breeding species include Eastern Screech-Owl, Whip-poor-will, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Black-billed Cuckoo, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, and a variety of warblers.
DIRECTIONS: To reach the Research Area from I-80, follow PA 36 North from Brookville 7.5 miles and turn right (east) on PA 949 in Sigel. Go 9.13 miles and turn right (south) on Callen Road at Heath Station. One can drive within the Research Area by traveling South on Callen Run Road, crossing over Spring Creek Road (2.9 miles) onto Fire Tower Road, turning left (east) onto McNeil Station Road which takes you back to Spring Creek Road (1.73 miles), and turn left (west) to return to Callen Run Road (1 mile).