Detweiler's Run Natural Area
DESCRIPTION: Detweiler Run and Alan Seeger Natural Areas are a pair of sites in Rothrock State Forest which feature pockets of old growth trees (mostly Eastern Hemlock) and a distinctly northern flavor in terms of breeding birds. They are located within a mile of each other and are linked by a hiking trail but also are both accessible on State Forest roads that link the two.
The primary interest at these sites are the breeding species which include Winter Wren, Hermit Thrush, Acadian Flycatcher, Blue-headed Vireo, White-breasted Nuthatch, Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Veery, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, and Broad-winged Hawk. Warblers include Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Blackburnian, Black-and-white, Hooded, and Canada.
It should be noted that the roads to these two sites are NOT maintained in winter and in most winters remain snow/ice covered until March, sometimes April. The trail at Detweiler's Run is rocky and becomes steep for short periods of time, so wear proper footwear.
DIRECTIONS: From US 322 and PA 45 in Boalsburg go east on US 322 1.6 miles and turn right (south) on Bear Meadows Road (SR 2001). Follow Bear Meadows Road 5 miles and continue past Bear Meadows Natural Area and straight over a mountain. Bear Meadows Road makes a sharp left at its intersection with Wampler Road (1.55 miles). Continue 0.6 miles to where Bear Meadows Road makes a sharp right, and park on the left near gated Detweiler Road. Walk the orange-blazed Mid-State Trail downhill to Detweiler Run. Follow the trail left along the stream. Turn left on the blue-blazed Ax Handle Trail for a shorter loop. This trail meets with the grassy Detweiler Road where turning left will lead back to the gate. Continue beyond the blue-blazed trail for a longer loop to the pipeline. Turn left on this trail, which also leads to Detweiler Road. Turn left and continue back to the gate.
From the Detweiler's Run parking area, continue south on Bear Meadows Road 1.9 miles to a stop sign, turn left onto a paved road. Watch for signs for Alan Seeger, parking lot on the right.