Meadowgrounds Lake (SGL 53)
DESCRIPTION: This 204-acre lake was developed for public fishing and nestled between ridgetops in the 5927-acre SGL 53. During migration, diving ducks, scoters, swans, loons, and eagles will use the lake. Extensive pines line the lake's west side. Summering Pine Warbler (common), winter finches (uncommon), year-round Common Raven (uncommon), and Red-breasted Nuthatch (erratic) can be found. These conifer areas can be reached by crossing the dam spillway footbridge and hiking north. Hiking south from the dam footbridge, you may encounter Blue-headed Vireo (occasional) and Black-throated Green Warbler (uncommon) in the hemlocks along the Jarrett Trail. In some years, Spotted Sandpiper nest near the dam breast. Spring nocturnal birds noted in SGL 53 include American Woodcock (common), Whip-poor-will (uncommon), and Barred (common), Long-eared (rare), Eastern Screech- (uncommon), and Saw-Whet (occasional) owls.
In winter, the roads are not maintained and there are no public restrooms.
DIRECTIONS: From the PA 16 and US 522 stop light in McConnellsburg , turn west onto Lincoln Way (SR1004) for 1.0 mile and turn left onto Back Run Road (SR 1003). Drive an additional 1.0 mile and turn right on Meadow Grounds Road. Drive up the mountain and down to the other side to the lake (3 miles). The lake road ascending the mountain is good for spring warblers.