Haines Seville Wetlands
DESCRIPTION: This approximate 20-acre site, a PENNDOT manufactured wetlands, is good in spring to look for migrant puddle ducks (common), bitterns (uncommon), rails (occasional), Wilson's Snipe (uncommon) and Rusty Blackbird (uncommon). Summering Wood Duck, Green Heron, Pied-billed Grebe (rare), and Tree Swallow can be found as long as there is sufficient water. By fall the wetlands are mostly dry and the herbaceous seed masts attract numerous sparrows and finches. Rare local birds have included Trumpeter Swan, Snow Goose, Ring-necked Duck (summering), and Marsh Wren.
PENNDOT maintains a path along the wetland perimeter and built birdhouses, batboxes, and a picnic pavilion overlooking this transitioning ephemeral wetland. Rubber boots are recommended if you venture to the southern part of the tract.
DIRECTIONS: From McConnellsburg, travel west on US 30 for 6.5 miles to Harrisonville and turn left (south) onto PA 655. Drive 1.2 miles to entrance sign and parking lot on the left (east).