Tionesta Creek Road
DESCRIPTION: This is a drive through the Tionesta Creek valley, mostly through undisturbed Allegheny National Forest and USACE property. There are several places to hike. Many warblers breed here and even more can be found during spring and fall migration.
A variety of ducks, also swans, loons, and grebes may be seen during migration. Wood Duck and Common Merganser breed here. Both Osprey platforms have attracted some attention, but no nesting pairs to date. Bald Eagle is a possibility in this valley any time of year. Red-shouldered and Broad-winged hawks as well as Yellow-bellied Sapsucker can be found from spring through fall. In summer, while the woods on one side of the road may harbor Acadian and Least flycatchers, Alder Flycatcher can be found in the brushy areas on the creek side. Bank Swallow nest along Tionesta Creek, and Cliff Swallow nest at the Kellettville Bridge. Red-breasted Nuthatch may be found, particularly near Ross Run. Winter Wren as well as Swainson's Thrush are possible in summer. Breeding warblers include Blue-winged, Nashville, Northern Parula, Yellow, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Blackburnian, Black-and-white, American Redstart, Ovenbird, possibly Mourning, Common Yellowthroat, Hooded, and Canada. Other warblers may be seen in migration.
There is very little traffic. There will be wooded hillsides on your left, and Tionesta Creek on your right, sometimes bordered by woods or brushy areas. There are a few seasonal cabins, but most of the area is undeveloped. There are several places where you may park to walk along the road or access the creek. The area is primitive. Restrooms are available at the Kellettville Campground, and the Kellettville Tavern (just east of Kellettville on PA 666) can provide lunch and an experience in itself. A small restaurant at the Flying W Ranch is open on a limited basis. There are also restaurants in Tionesta.
DIRECTIONS: From the south end of Tionesta, go east on German Hill Road for 5.2 miles and turn right on Jughandle Road. After about 0.25 mile, start listening for warblers. Watch for a gated logging road on the left. This can be a productive hike along the ridge-top where Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Winter Wren, Black-throated Blue and Canada warblers breed. Going down the hill you might find Swainson's Thrush and Northern Parula. As you drive along Tionesta Creek, Alder Flycatcher, Northern Parula, Blackburnian Warbler, Cerulean Warbler, and Swainson's Thrush are possibilities in summer. Black-throated Green Warbler are abundant.
At 3.2 miles you will come to a T intersection. The road to the left is Ross Run Road. You might want to diverge and drive through this ravine, along Ross Run for a mile or so as it is very good for warblers, Acadian Flycatcher, and Winter Wren. (Ross Run Road will take you back up to German Hill Road if you wish to make a short loop.)
To the right is Tionesta Creek Road. Follow this road. You will come to some different habitat on your right: an abandoned farm with access to the creek includes feed plots, some tall evergreens, and an Osprey platform. Nashville Warbler are probable breeders along the hillside here. About 0.25 mile past this open area another hiking option into the hardwood forest can be found opposite the old bridge piers, where a road once went up the hill.
Another place worth stopping is a pull-off near where Hazelton Run Road (from the Flying W Ranch) meets the creek road (3.8 miles from Jug Handle Road). From here you can observe an island, have a good view upstream, including an Osprey platform, and the vegetation is good for spring and fall warblers. Common Merganser, Green Heron, Bank Swallow, and Black-and-white Warbler may be found here.
Tionesta Creek Road comes to a T with PA 666. Turn right and go 0.4 mile and turn right on Branch Road, cross the creek and turn right to bird the Kellettville Campground, which is a good spot for Least Flycatcher and a warbler magnet in spring and fall. To return to Tionesta, take PA 666 west to Whig Hill and turn left on German Hill Road.