Freedom Township Grasslands
DESCRIPTION: This area, part of which is in Gettysburg National Historic Park, has extensive grasslands providing habitat for species such as Eastern Meadowlark, Short-eared Owl (winter), and Upland Sandpiper. Loggerhead Shrike have nested here also, but being on the edge of their range, the numbers fluctuate from year to year.
Upland Sandpiper have been recorded along Bigham Road, the intersection of Pumping Station and Bullfrog Roads, and Scott Road. Dickcissel are an irregular breeder and have been seen along Cunningham and Shriver Roads. Grasshopper and Savannah sparrows breed here also, but are difficult to find. Bobolink are common breeders.
In winter, Northern Harrier and Rough-legged Hawk can be seen. Varying numbers of Short-eared Owl can be seen at dusk. Try along Bigham Road, Pumping Station Road, Red Rock, and Shriver Roads.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of US 30 and Business US 15 in Gettysburg, take Business US 15 south 2.37 miles and turn right (west) on Millerstown Road. After crossing Red Rock Road at 0.9 mile, the road becomes Pumping Station Road.
The next 3 miles have grasslands on both sides of the road. The various side roads are also worth exploring.