Winter Raptor Survey
Route Directions

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County Route # Name
Adams 011 NE Adams
Adams 012 SE Adams
Adams 013 NW Adams
Adams 014 SW Gettysburg
Adams 015 Central
Allegheny 021 West Allegheny
Allegheny 022 Allegheny East
Armstrong 031 SW Armstrong
Armstrong 032 Armstrong East
Armstrong 033 Armstrong North
Beaver 041 Northern Beaver
Beaver 042 Central Beaver
Bedford 051 West Bedford
Bedford 052 SE Bedford
Bedford 053 North Central Bedford
Bedford 055 Shawnee SP Area
Berks 061 Central Berks
Berks 062 Eastern Berks
Berks 063 North Berks
Berks 064 Southeast Berks
Berks 065 Shartlesville
Berks 066 Northwestern Berks
Berks 067 Southwestern Berks
Blair 071 NE Blair
Blair 072 SE Blair - Clover Creek
Blair 073 Canoe Creek Area
Bradford 081 Bradford
Bucks 091 Central Bucks
Bucks 092 SE Bucks
Bucks 093 Northeast Bucks
Butler 101 East Butler
Butler 102 Western Butler County
Butler 103 Central Butler
Cambria 111 North Cambria
Cambria 112 South Cambria
Cambria 113 Cambria Central
Carbon 131 SE Carbon
Carbon 132 SW Carbon
Carbon 134 NW Carbon
Centre 141 Bald Eagle Valley
Centre 142 Warriors Run to Fillmore
Centre 143 Marsh Creek Area
Centre 144 SE Centre
Centre 145 Pine Grove Mills Area
Centre 146 South-Central Centre
Centre 147 East Centre
Chester 151 NW Chester
Chester 152 West Central Chester
Chester 153 SW Chester
Chester 154 Southern Chester
Chester 155 N Chester
Clarion 161 North Clarion
Clarion 162 West Clarion
Clarion 163 SW Clarion
Clarion 164 South-Central Clarion
Clarion 165 SE Clarion
Clarion 166 West-Central
Clarion 167 Strattonville North
Clarion 168 Strattanville South
Clearfield 171 SE Clearfield
Clearfield 172 East Clearfield
Clearfield 174 WNW Clearfield
Clinton 181 South Clinton
Clinton 182 South Clinton
Columbia 191 SE Columbia
Columbia 192 Columbia North
Columbia 193 Columbia Northeast
Crawford 201 Central Crawford
Crawford 202 NW Crawford
Crawford 203 SE Crawford
Cumberland 211 Shippensburg to Boiling Springs
Cumberland 212 Newville North
Cumberland 213 West Central Cumberland
Cumberland 214 Cumberland NE
Cumberland 215 Cumberland NC
Cumberland 216 Cumberland NEC
Dauphin 221 Northern Dauphin
Dauphin 222 SE Dauphin
Dauphin 223 South Central Dauphin
Dauphin 224 Dauphin North-Central
Dauphin 225 Dauphin Second Mountain
Delaware 231 East Delaware
Delaware 232 West Delaware
Elk 241 Central Elk
Elk 242 SE Elk
Erie 251 Erie SE
Erie 252 Lake Erie Shore
Erie 253 Erie NW
Fayette 261 NW Fayette
Fayette 262 East Fayette
Fayette 264 Southwest Fayette
Fayette 265 North Fayette
Forest 271 West Forest
Forest 272 NW Forest
Franklin 281 SE Franklin
Franklin 282 Central Franklin
Franklin 283 SW Franklin
Franklin 284 Path Valley
Franklin 285 NE Franklin
Franklin 286 Little Cove
Franklin 287 Central West
Fulton 293 North Fulton
Fulton 295 NW Fulton
Fulton 296 McConnelsburg South
Fulton 297 Southern Fulton
Greene 301 NE Greene
Greene 302 NW Greene
Greene 303 SW Greene
Greene 304 SE Greene
Huntingdon 310 South Huntingdon
Huntingdon 312 McAlevys Fort
Huntingdon 313 Petersburg
Huntingdon 314 NW Huntingdon
Huntingdon 315 SW Huntingdon
Huntingdon 316 Kish Valley
Huntingdon 317 Aughwick Valley
Huntingdon 318 Warrior Ridge
Huntingdon 319 Trough Creek Valley
Huntingdon 31A Huntingdon SE
Indiana 321 NW Indiana
Indiana 322 East Central Indiana
Indiana 323 SW Indiana
Jefferson 331 NW Jefferson
Jefferson 333 Ohl Area
Jefferson 334 Corsica Area
Jefferson 335 North Central Jefferson
Jefferson 336 Brookville
Jefferson 337 ENE Jefferson
Juniata 341 Juniata
Juniata 342 Juniata East
Juniata 343 Central Juniata
Lackawanna 351 Lackawanna
Lancaster 361 Strasburg Area
Lancaster 362 New Holland Area
Lancaster 363 Eastern Lancaster County
Lancaster 364 NW Lancaster County
Lancaster 365 SE Lancaster County
Lancaster 366 Northern Lancaster
Lancaster 367 SW Lancaster
Lancaster 368 Lancaster West
Lancaster 369 Falmouth-Columbia
Lawrence 371 NE Lawrence
Lawrence 372 West Lawrence
Lawrence 373 Lawrence East
Lawrence 374 South Lawrence
Lebanon 381 Central Lebanon
Lebanon 382 South-Central Lebanon
Lebanon 383 Lebanon North
Lehigh 391 North Lehigh
Lehigh 392 South Lehigh
Luzerne 401 Southern Luzerne
Luzerne 402 Western Luzerne
Lycoming 411 Cogan House Twp
Lycoming 412 Lycoming Central
Lycoming 413 Jackson Twp
Lycoming 414 SE Lycoming
Lycoming 415 SW Lycoming
Lycoming 416 West-Central Lycoming
Lycoming 417 West Lycoming
Lycoming 418 Lycoming NW
McKean 421 East-Central Mckean
McKean 422 NE McKean
Mercer 431 SW Mercer
Mercer 432 Mercer North
Mercer 433 East Mercer
Mifflin 441 Big Valley
Mifflin 442 Milroy Area
Mifflin 443 Ferguson Valley
Mifflin 444 Newton Hamilton
Monroe 451 West Monroe
Monroe 452 SW Monroe
Montgomery 461 North Montgomery
Montgomery 462 Valley Forge
Montgomery 463 Central Montgomery
Montgomery 464 Evansburg
Montour 471 North Central
Montour 472 North Montour
Northampton 481 South Northampton
Northampton 482 NE Northampton
Northampton 483 East Northampton
Northampton 484 NNW Northampton
Northampton 485 WNW Northampton
Northampton 486 West Central Northampton
Northumberland 491 Northumberland - North
Perry 501 NE Perry
Perry 502 Perry NE
Perry 503 Perry West
Perry 504 Perry SE
Perry 505 Perry East
Philadelphia 511 Philadelphia
Pike 521 East Pike
Pike 522 Western Pike County
Potter 531 Southern Potter
Potter 532 Central Potter
Potter 533 Potter North
Schuylkill 541 East Schuylkill
Schuylkill 542 SW Schuylkill
Schuylkill 543 NW Schuylkill
Schuylkill 544 NE Schuylkill
Snyder 551 Middleburg
Snyder 552 West Snyder
Snyder 553 NE Snyder
Snyder 554 SE Snyder
Somerset 561 NE Somerset
Somerset 562 NW Somerset
Somerset 563 S Somerset
Somerset 564 Somerset East-Central
Somerset 566 East Quemahoning
Somerset 567 SW Somerset
Sullivan 571 Sullivan Northeast
Sullivan 572 Sullivan North-Central
Susquehanna 581 South Susquehanna
Susquehanna 582 SW Susquehanna
Susquehanna 583 Central Susquehanna
Susquehanna 584 East Central
Tioga 591 East Tioga
Tioga 592 Tioga West
Tioga 593 Tioga Central
Tioga 594 Tioga NW
Tioga 595 West Central 2
Union 601 Union SE
Union 602 Union North
Venango 611 North Venango
Venango 612 South Venango
Warren 621 NW Warren
Warren 622 North Warren
Washington 631 SouthEast Washington
Washington 632 Washington NE
Washington 633 Washington North
Washington 634 Washington West
Washington 635 SouthCentral
Wayne 641 S&E Wayne
Wayne 642 Western Wayne County
Westmoreland 651 Slickville
Westmoreland 652 Crabtree
Westmoreland 653 Ligonier Valley
Westmoreland 654 Westmoreland Central
Westmoreland 655 Westmoreland Northwest
Westmoreland 656 Southwestern Westmoreland
Westmoreland 657 West-Central Westmoreland
Westmoreland 658 Greensburg Latrobe
Wyoming 661 Wyoming
York 671 NE York
York 672 NW York
York 673 SE York
York 674 SW York
York 675 York Central
York 676 South Central York