Tornado Area
DIRECTIONS: Take the PA 8 park entrance (4 miles north of Oil City) for 3 miles to a multi-road intersection. Turn left along a boardwalk trail that parallels the road (SR 1009). Continue for 0.5 mile to a small parking lot on the right marked "canoe launch." Diagonally (west) from here a gated road marks the entrance to Petroleum Centre Cemetery. Walk up the cemetery road to the tornado area.
A tornado in 1985 leveled over 200 acres of second-growth deciduous woodland in this area. The area is now in successional change with blackberry and other shrubs growing up through the tangle of treetops and stumps. A salvage cut was conducted in 1988 which has provided good walking access via skid roads and landings.
The area provides habitat quite different from the rest of the park, as evidenced by species present. Chestnut-sided, Blue-winged and Golden-winged warblers are common nesters. Flycatcher species are common, as are woodpeckers including Pileated and an occasional Red-bellied. Several species of hawks enjoy the thermals that rise from this exposed area.
Wear a good pair of non-snagging pants and sturdy footwear as you will encounter briars and downfalls.