Route 8 to Petroleum Centre (S.R. 1007)
DIRECTIONS: Access is via the park entrance off PA 8, 4 miles north of Oil City. Several small pull-offs and parking lots exist along the route. Use them, as the road is not wide enough to permit berm parking.
Birding this area of the park involves some driving, parking, and a little walking off roadsides for the entire 3-mile length. It is the most productive area for those with little time and those wishing to stay close to their vehicles. It also contains the greatest habitat mixture with stream, powerline right-of-ways, picnic areas, wetlands, hillside forests, hemlock ravines, and small ponds.
Waterfowl, particularly in spring, include several species of ducks and herons. Many warblers and vireos are present including Northern Parula, Black-and-white Warbler and White-eyed Vireo. Blue-winged, Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green and Cerulean warblers and American Redstart are summer residents. Eastern Bluebird and Tree Swallow occupy nest boxes in the picnic areas. Several species of flycatchers inhabit the brushy areas, and in spring American Woodcock perform their courtship flights from the streamside wetlands.