Oil Creek
DIRECTIONS: Thirteen miles of Oil Creek flow the length of the park from Titusville to the north to Rynd Farm to the south. Birding by canoe, suitable even for the novice, is possible from March to early June on this stream with gentle riffles and pools. Allow between 4 and 6 hours for the total trip. Launch and takeout areas are available.
A 10-mile bicycle trail also parallels the stream from the Drake Well Museum at Titusville south to Petroleum Centre, the park's main day-use area. The paved trail follows a gentle abandoned railroad grade with many interesting birding areas along the route. Bike rentals are available at the Petroleum Centre area of the park. Round trip time for the bike trail is approximately 3 hours.
Water, wetlands, floodplain forests, and hemlock ravines will all be met along the route, whichever mode of travel one chooses.
Several species of ducks, including nesting Common Merganser and Wood Duck, are present. Osprey (in spring), Great Blue and Green herons, plus Belted Kingfisher are often seen. Swallows (in the spring) and Cedar Waxwing (fall) may be counted by the hundreds as they hawk over the waters for insects. Warblers are common in spring, particularly at the mouths of hemlock ravines and the permanent and temporary water-holding wetlands.
Access to Oil Creek is possible by traveling PA 8 north to the first traffic light in Titusville. Turn right onto Bloss Street and travel 1 mile to the canoe launch and bike trailhead. Access to the southern bike trailhead is reached by traveling 4 miles north of Oil City on PA 8. Turn right at the park entrance and travel 3 more miles to the petroleum Centre area.