Boat Launch
DIRECTIONS: The last stop is the boat launch area at the east end of Tinker Road. Return to Brimstone Road, turn right and drive one-fifth of a mile to Tinker Road, turn right and drive or walk this road because woods on either side are teeming with birds). On the right (south) side you will hear Northern Waterthrush and Veery and on the left its melodious cousin the Wood Thrush. At the water's edge, listen for Virginia Rail, Sora, Common Moorhen, and American Coot in spring and early summer. Return on Tinker Road to PA 308. Listen for four grass-loving sparrows, the Savannah, Grasshopper, Henslow's, and Field, in the large open field on the northeast corner of Tinker Road and PA 308. Also be alert for American Kestrel and Red-tailed Hawk flying over this same field.