Calico Road
DIRECTIONS: Turn right (south) at the next intersection onto Calico Road to the Harbor Acres Lake parking lot (8). The lake has sheltered several diving duck species in early spring (March-April) and Osprey frequently fish here.
Turn right at the next intersection (still Calico Road) and proceed to the parking lot at the south end of Glades Dam Lake. This is the best place to see waterfowl (especially dabbler ducks), Pied-billed Grebe, both bitterns, Northern Harrier, American Coot, American Pipit, and shorebirds in spring. Short-eared Owl, Northern Shrike, and Swamp Sparrow often over-winter here.
Walk Swope Road along the opposite side of the lake to the loop parking lot. The evergreen woods along this road are excellent habitat for Ruffed Grouse, Wild Turkey, Barred Owl, and Pileated Woodpecker.
Return to Calico Road, go south one-half mile to the intersection with Brimstone Road, turn right (north) and drive one mile to Weston Road, turn right again and drive one-half mile to the last good vista (on the left) of the Glades Dam Lake. The vista also overlooks a series of small ponds surrounded by wet fields that are appealing to waterfowl, Osprey, rails, shorebirds, and possibly Sedge Wren, Grasshopper and Henslow's sparrows. Across the road are long hedgerows that are superb habitat for Ring-necked Pheasant anytime of the year and over-wintering White-crowned, White-throated and Fox sparrows.