Christie Road
DIRECTIONS: Just beyond the pond turn right onto Stewart Road and again within 300 yards turn right again onto Christie Road that takes you back to the lake. Listen for grassland species in the open fields, such as Savannah, Grasshopper and Field sparrows, Prairie Warbler and Yellow-breasted Chat. You reenter SGL 95 about 0.5 mile from the Lake Parking Lot which has the most sweeping view of the lake. Watch for Double-crested Cormorant sitting atop vertical dead snags in the water and Osprey and Bald Eagle patrolling the lakeshore. This usually is where most of the waterfowl, gulls, and terns are identified every spring and early summer. For a still better view of the lake, take the road to the left just before arriving at the lake, park at the top, and then walk to the overlook (5). Nearby sensitive thicket breeding species include Brown Thrasher, Gray Catbird, White-eyed Vireo, Blue-winged, Yellow, Chestnut-sided and Prairie warblers, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Eastern Towhee.
Travel down the opposite side of the hill to Christie Road and drive past three cottages to the next parking lot on the right. A snowmobile trail leads past the large lily pond behind the cottages to one of the most inaccessible parts of the lake where good birds are common. Listen for Green Heron, King Rail, Virginia Rail, Sora, Common Moorhen, and Red-headed Woodpecker in this area. Rarities in the past have included Least Bittern, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Merlin, and Long-eared Owl.
Continue on Christie Road past the next intersection (Nagy Road) to a low wetland area bordered by a pond on the left and a swamp on the right where Alder and Willow flycatchers, Eastern Kingbird, Cedar Waxwing, and warblers can be seen during the breeding season.