Wetlands Trail
DIRECTIONS: Back at the intersection on the main park road, turn left and proceed 0.1 miles to the Wetlands Trail on the right. Park and walk the Wetlands Trail, which leads to another small dam and reservoir after about 0.25 mile. This open area around the dam and lake can also be excellent for migrants, and the upper end of the lake features an extensive cattail marsh that should be checked for rails and bitterns in spring. Past the marsh, the trail continues through typical woodland habitats.
From the Wetlands Trailhead, the park road continues for another few miles to a far western park gate on PA 168. Birding along this last stretch of road is typical, i.e., possibly good during migration, good for local breeding species in summer, and generally uninteresting otherwise. Except during summer a gate just past the turnoff to the Group Cabin Area #1 is generally closed. Birders usually return to PA 18 after birding the Wetlands Trail. To return to the staring point, backtrack your way along the entire park road.