Picnic Areas
DIRECTIONS: Again return to the park road and turn right, head uphill for 0.4 miles to another right turn to an unnamed picnic area that has been closed in recent years. It is possible to park outside the gate and walk in. This area is usually only worthwhile during spring and fall migration, though Eastern Bluebird, Tree Swallow, Indigo Bunting, and Chipping Sparrow nest here.
After another 1.3 miles, the first of two "Hilltop" picnic areas is on the left. Along the way, the park road flattens out and enters a fairly extensive mixed pine/deciduous woods, which is the best location in the park for seeing Ovenbird.
Both of the Hilltop picnic areas are usually excellent birding in spring and fall and warrant a stop and a walk. In summer, Broad-winged Hawk and Hooded Warbler are usually in evidence, among other breeders.