Mt Airy
DIRECTIONS: To get to the Mt Airy area, from Sligo, go west on PA 58 and take the first left (south) onto Morris Road, which becomes Stewart Road. When Stewart Road reaches a fenced pasture area on the right, start looking for Upland Sandpiper. This area, which we call Mt Airy, is all private land and you should not wander from the road. Upland Sandpiper can be difficult to observe when they are nesting in June. Continue on Stewart Road to Shannon-Tipple Road. Turn right (west), cross Mt Airy Road and continue to the first right (McCall Hollow Road). This is an excellent spot for several grassland birds, including Upland Sandpiper.
Return to Mt Airy Road and turn left (north). Go 0.2 mile to the intersection with Burns Farm Road and Murray Hollow Road. Explore Burns Farm Road if you want another look at the grassland you just observed, but from the other side. There are pull-off locations on the left side of Burns Farm Road. Continue on Mt Airy Road past a farm house and barn to another great grassland.
Continue on Mt Airy to the bottom of the hill and to a T. Turn right and continue to PA 368. (If you do not have time to complete the outing, turning right here will put you on PA 58 back to Sligo). To continue the outing, turn left on PA 368, continue through Callensburg and take the first left on Callensburg Road. Take the first right on McCall Road. Watch for grassland birds, go through a crossroad, where the road becomes Logue Road. Continue about a half mile on Logue Road and park at a tiny (private) dirt road on the right. A short walk back the dirt road could yield Clay-colored Sparrow among other grassland birds.