Fire Tower Loop
DESCRIPTION: An extra loop to the Fire Tower Road is highly recommended. The Fire Tower Road is entirely on top of the High Plateau. It winds through some second-growth and pine plantations and then through luxuriant rhododendron thickets to the Seneca Point parking lot. From here a foot trail leads to the Seneca Point overlook and the fire tower. This habitat is especially attractive to Black-throated Blue Warbler. Both these locations provide tree-top views of migrating warblers in season and vulture or raptor flights most any other time. Bald and Golden eagles are occasionally seen on migration. Whip-poor-will chant around Seneca Point at dusk. Ruffed Grouse, Wild Turkey, and Cooper's Hawk inhabit the forest going to and coming from the fire tower.
DIRECTIONS: From the park office go north on Route 36 (0.9 mile) to a road to the left marked "Seneca Point Fire Tower." This is a one-way dirt road open to cars sunrise to sunset, summer and fall only. In the winter it is open to cross-country skiing, and it's open to hikers at any time. The view from Seneca Point and the fire tower of the forest-covered plateau and the incised meanders of the Clarion River below is worth a trip in any season, but in early October the autumn leaves are spectacular.