Forest Drive
DESCRIPTION: Forest Drive, the third stop on our main loop, is a one-way dirt road that goes through some relatively mature pine plantations started in the 1930s and also some mixed hardwoods- hemlock and beech-with very little understory. Red-breasted Nuthatch, vireos, and warblers abound in spring and summer; also present are Scarlet Tanager, Brown Creeper, and Barred Owl. A bridle trail crosses the road at intervals and can be used for exploring on foot.
DIRECTIONS: If you have not been to Tom's Run, go north on SR 1015 and, after the Sawmill Center, look for a sign to the organizational campground and Forest Drive to the right. If you have been up Tom's Run and are coming south, look for the Forest Drive sign to the left after the commercial Deer Meadow RV park and campground. About I mile from the entrance, Forest Drive makes a right angle turn to the left. At this point Rhododendron Trail (mentioned under Forest Cathedral) and the Logging Road connect to Forest Drive. Both are good walking trails. Continuing, the road goes through another pine plantation and then winds downhill to the intersection with Troutman Run Road. Turn right. Troutman Run is a fine example of a deeply cut tributary to the Clarion River. Listen for Winter Wren and Acadian Flycatcher. In summer Dark-eyed Junco can practically always be found nesting along the road bank. Proceed to the intersection with River Road at the bottom of the hill. Turn right to get back to the park office. Turn left to continue on River Road if you want to sample more of the riparian habitat than is afforded by the 2.2-mile trip back to the park office.