Kinzua Creek near Westline
DESCRIPTION: This area near Westline along SR 3006 and the roads that branch off of it is mostly deciduous mature forest with patches of hemlock. There are some old clearcuts along the forest roads to the north out of Westline that contain Mourning Warbler. The creekside has Louisiana Waterthrush. Some swampy hemlock portions such as the trailhead of the Kinzua Trail also have Northern Waterthrush. Pine Siskin breed in the area and may be observed from the town at feeders visible from the road. Turkey Vulture roost in the area. Northern Goshawk can be located in the open forest. Bald Eagle and Osprey breed 5 miles to the west at Kinzua Lake near the Redbridge camping area. Blackburnian, Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, Magnolia, and Canada warblers, Ovenbird, and American Redstart are abundant. Ruffed Grouse and Wild Turkey can be observed in summer with their young dustbathing on the forest roads. At night, Northern Saw-whet Owl are easily located. Some of the old beaver marshes along the creek to the east of Westline hold Virginia Rail and Sora. Swamp Sparrow are numerous. The Kinzua Trail follows the creek from Westline to the Redbridge area and is an easy, level walk.
DIRECTIONS: From US 219/US 6 at Lantz Corners, go north on US 219 for 5.1 miles and turn left (west) on Westline Road (SR 3006) and go 3.2 miles to Westline.