Old Crow Mitigation Wetlands
DESCRIPTION: In shorebird-poor Huntingdon County, a shorebird/wader "hotspot." In addition to the expected Solitary, Spotted, and Least sandpipers, Wilson's Snipe, and both yellowlegs, occasionally Dunlin, Semipalmated Plover, Western and Semipalmated sandpipers are seen. Infrequently a "good" wader, American Bittern, Little Blue Heron, Cattle Egret, or both night-herons are found. These are NOT to be expected. Great Blue and Green herons are regulars in season.
DIRECTIONS: Just east of the intersection of US 22 and PA 26, south of Huntingdon. A gravel parking area is on the south side of US 22, just west of Hoss' s restaurant. This site is not on the lake itself.