Lost Creek Gap and Mountain Road
DESCRIPTION: From PA 35 and PA 235 in McAlisterville, go north on PA 235 for 1.6 miles to Mountain Road, continue into the mountain pass on PA 235 and bird at various pull-offs up to the Juniata/Snyder County lines (2.6 miles). Birds found in this area include Common Raven, Cerulean, Black-and-white, Chestnut-sided, Canada, Black-throated Green, Black-throated Blue, Worm-eating, Blackburnian, and Hooded warblers, Louisiana Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat, American Redstart, Acadian Flycatcher, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Scarlet Tanager, thrushes, owls, vireos, woodpeckers, and Whip-poor-will.
Heading back south on PA 235, turn right (west) on TR 527 which is Mountain Road. At 0.9 mile on the left is a marsh. At the 2-mile mark there are marshes on both sides of the road, a good spot for Wood Duck, Louisiana Waterthrush, and Yellow-billed and Black-billed cuckoos. The 3-mile mark is good for Barred Owl and American Woodcock. At 3.3 miles are marshes that give you possible Wood Duck, American Bittern, various warblers, vireos, woodpeckers, thrushes, towhee, flycatchers, and Red-shouldered Hawk. At 3.7 miles, the former tree farm on the left is good for Blue-winged, Golden-winged, Brewster's, Lawrence, Prairie, and Kentucky warblers, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Field, Chipping and Song sparrows. At the end of mountain road, you can turn right onto Arch Rock Road. Various pull offs and fields on both sides can offer Common Raven, Wild Turkey, and owls. At 1.6 miles on this road you will come to Hower Gap Road on the right that takes you into the SGL 107. If you stay on Arch Rock Road, it will bring you under US 22/322. You can then turn left on old US 22 and 0.5 mile on the right is the Mifflintown River Access area. Great for waterfowl, raptors, swallows, orioles, and some shorebirds.