Pocono Environmental Education Center (PEEC)
DESCRIPTION: Continue north on River Road. At the traffic light, turn right onto US 209 north (you will leave the recreation area for a short distance). When you reenter into the recreation area, look for the mile marker signs on the right of the road. After mile marker 8, you will see a large brown sign for PEEC. Turn left at the sign onto Briscoe Mountain Road. Go up the steep hill. At the top, veer right at the stop sign. The main parking area for PEEC is 100 yards on your right.
The best birding area at PEEC is in the pines and spruces surrounding the parking lot and in the wet tangles around the small pond across the street from this lot. The spruces and pines contain Pine Warbler and Northern Parula during breeding season and Red-breasted Nuthatch in all seasons. The true highlight to birding PEEC is the wet tangles and the trees forming a canopy over the tangles across the street. Over 25 species of warblers have been observed on the boardwalk leading to the bird blind. The pond attracts migrating waterfowl, limited shorebirds during the appropriate seasons, Belted Kingfisher, Green Heron, and Great Blue Heron from the close-by Thurner Swamp rookery. The pond is best viewed from the wood-chipped path across from the main entrance/parking lot.
PEEC staff maintain a sighting sheet in the visitors center foyer and have knowledgeable birders who know the area well. Stop in the visitor center to get the latest reports, recent sightings, and further information on where to explore. The center also offers day and weekend long guided field excursions as well as accommodations in rustic cabins on-site. Log onto www.peec.org to view the calendar of events.
DIRECTIONS: See DWGNRA Map or Google Map