Bobolink Fields
DESCRIPTION: From the Nature Conservancy Office parking lot, turn left (east) onto Long Pond Road. You will be driving through farm fields bordered by beech maple woods. These fields are private property. Do not trespass. Stopping to bird along this road is difficult because there are no good pullovers. In about one mile on the left are large fields where Bobolink nest. Even though there is abundant good field habitat left, their numbers have been drastically reduced because of the modern practice of cutting hayfields before their young have fully fledged.
American Kestrel are common. Northern Harrier regularly appear from March through December. In summer Chipping Sparrow, House Finch, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Indigo Bunting and Least Flycatcher are in the scrub behind the fields.
DIRECTIONS: See Long Pond Map or Google Map