Chapman Road Bridge
DESCRIPTION: Early morning and late afternoon are usually best and just about anything is possible in season. The trees and shrubs on either side of the bridge can be good for migrants particularly in early morning. Several breeders can be seen from the bridge including Wood Duck, Cooper's Hawk, Yellow-billed and Black-billed cuckoo, Green Heron, Eastern Kingbird, Great-crested Flycatcher, Eastern Phoebe, Red-eyed Vireo, Orchard and Baltimore orioles, Yellow Warbler, and Willow Flycatcher. All the swallows, including Purple Martin occasionally, gather here in spring or after breeding and can often be seen sitting side by side on the utility lines for easy comparison. Look for Eastern Screech-Owl at any of the boxes visible from this area.
This is the best spot to see shorebirds and other wading birds but all other water birds occur here as well. Mud flats for shorebirds form here if the water level has been drawn down. Red Phalarope has been here twice in late fall. Early morning and late evening roosts of Great Egret and other wading species sometimes occur starting in July. If you have time, you can cross the bridge and walk down the Bike & Hike Trail to the Duck Blind. Waterfowl often gather here during the fall, winter, or after the ice melts.
DIRECTIONS: See Peace Valley Map or Google Map