Sidewalk Trail
DESCRIPTION: Sidewalk Trail ("Cement Walk") extends across Presque Isle from East Fisher Drive to the lake, a distance of about a mile. Birders often enter from the bay side to investigate the parallel ponds and ridges for their respective specialties.
Tree Swallow and Red-headed Woodpecker nest in dead trees near the start of the walk. Thick underbrush on both sides of the trail is often alive with migrants in May. The low-lying growth not only provides cover for them, but also offers eye-level views for birders. Wood Duck, Great Blue Heron, and Swamp Sparrow can be seen at the ponds, Prothonotary Warbler have nested here, and Great Horned Owl nest along the ridge trail to the west.
Several connecting trails lead into other sections of the Ecological Reservation.
DIRECTIONS: See Presque Isle map