Birds of Note

All Records For Yellow-breasted Chat


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Yellow-breasted Chat 1992 Oct-Dec Westmoreland 1 at PNR 10/17 (Bob Leberman, Bob Mulvihill)
Yellow-breasted Chat 1994 Oct-Dec Bucks 1 on 10/7 at Kintnersville (Bob Friedermann)
Yellow-breasted Chat 1995 Jan-Mar Chester 1 on 3/9 at Pennsbury Twp. (Charles & Helene Riley)(no details, eds)
Yellow-breasted Chat 1995 Jan-Mar Lancaster 1 on 1/1 on the Lancaster CBC
Yellow-breasted Chat 1995 Oct-Dec Lehigh 1 on 10/30 at Allentown (Nancy & John Boyer)
Yellow-breasted Chat 1995 Oct-Dec Westmoreland Present up to 10/3 at West Newton (Don Koch)
Yellow-breasted Chat 1996 Jan-Mar Delaware 1 on 12/21 at the Darlington Tract (Al Guarente)
Yellow-breasted Chat 1998 Oct-Dec Delaware present up to 10/21 at Haverford (Nick Pulcinella)
Yellow-breasted Chat 2000 Jan-Mar Chester 1 on 1/7 at Penn Twp. (Grier Saunders, Larry Lewis)
Yellow-breasted Chat 2001 Jan-Mar Bucks 1 on 12/4 at Peace Valley Park (August Mirabella)
Yellow-breasted Chat 2001 Jan-Mar Montgomery 1 on 12/15 at Fort Washington SP (Bill & Naomi Murphy)
Yellow-breasted Chat 2004-2005 Dec-Feb Chester one found 12/18 during the West Chester CBC (Mary Alice Knox).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2006-2007 Dec-Feb Delaware One in Aston 12/16 (Doris McGovern).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2007-2008 Dec-Feb Bucks One at Churchville Reservoir Park, 2/28 (Bill Keim).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2008-2009 Dec-Feb Chester one at Marsh Creek SP 1/1 (Barry Blust).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2009-2010 Dec-Feb Chester one at State Line Woods 1/29 (Joe Sebastiani, Brian Byrnes).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2010-2011 Dec-Feb Lebanon one near Camp Shand during Lititz CBC 12/26 (David and Susan Wheeler).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2011-2012 Dec-Feb Delaware presumably the same bird was reported at Ridley Creek S.P. three times
Yellow-breasted Chat 2011-2012 Dec-Feb Cumberland one present on multiple occasions at the Green residence in the Montesera section of Dickinson Twp. (Alexander Green)
Yellow-breasted Chat 2012-2013 Dec-Feb Northampton one in Lower Nazareth Twp. 12/12-1/8 (Timothy Kita).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2012-2013 Dec-Feb Lancaster one at Silver Mine Park 12/1-2 (Andrew Weitzel, Justin Bosler)
Yellow-breasted Chat 2012-2013 Dec-Feb Bucks one at Peace Valley Park 12/23 (Jessica Huff)
Yellow-breasted Chat 2017-2018 Dec-Feb Lancaster one at Lititz 12/16-18 (Richard Boshart).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2018-2019 Dec-Feb Chester one at West Chester 12/15 (Patricia Johansen, Holly Merker, Keith Hall) and seen for the West Chester CBC.
Yellow-breasted Chat 2021-2022 Dec-Feb Philadelphia one at John Heinz NWR 1/10-24 (Angelo DelloMargio, m.ob.).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2022-2023 Dec-Feb Chester one at yard near Thorndale 1/25-2/18 (Mary Kelly).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2023-2024 Nov-Feb Philadelphia one at Kaskey Park/U Penn BioPond 1/22-2/28 (Alexandria Nikish, m.ob.).
Yellow-breasted Chat 2023-2024 Nov-Feb Chester one at Octorara Reservoir 12/2 (Ross Gallardy, Zach Baer, Aaron Coolman) and relocated on 1/30-31