Birds of Note

All Records For White-winged Tern


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White-winged Tern 2016 Mar-May Bucks one at Peace Valley Park 5/13 (Ken Belli, Bob Thompkins, Quinn Thompkins, Butch DeBonis, Bret Belli, no doc).
White-winged Tern 2017 Aug-Nov Philadelphia one at John Heinz N.W.R. 10/8-9 (Adrian Binns, no doc) may have been the same bird seen in Tioga nearly two months earlier in Aug
White-winged Tern 2017 Aug-Nov Tioga one molting adult at Nessmuk Lake 8/10-13 (Rich Hanlon, Kathy Riley, m.ob., doc submitted) represented the first Pennsylvania record if accepted
White-winged Tern 2017 Aug-Nov York one at the Rocky Ridge County Parkhawkwatch 9/21 (Randy Phillips, Frank Paley, no doc).