Birds of Note

All Records For Western Grebe


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Western Grebe 1995 Jan-Mar Westmoreland 1 on 12/17 at Beaver Run Res. (Dick Byers, Jim Pemberton) was the first record in the county since the turn of the century. If accepted by PORC, it would be the first record for the state. A Pennsylvania Aechmophorus specimen of un-noted species was destroyed in a fire many years ago. All other Pennsylvania records were either undocumneted or not accepted by the records committee, although most of these records were probably correct
Western Grebe 2004 Aug-Nov Berks One was seen well at Blue Marsh Lake 11/11 (Joan Silagy) no desc
Western Grebe 2004 Aug-Nov Chester One was reportedly seen 11/22 at Chamber L. (unknown observer) no desc
Western Grebe 2008-2009 Dec-Feb Cumberland One on Conodoguinet Creek off Route 114 in Mechanicsburg 2/14-21, first fully documented state record if accepted (Jennifer and Barry Horton, m.ob., doc submitted).
Western Grebe 2011 Mar-May Centre two at Bald Eagle State Park 5/10 (Alan MacEachren, Fran MacEachren, no doc).
Western Grebe 2012 Aug-Nov Lebanon one at Memorial Lake State Park 11/4-16 (Lou Carpenter, doc submitted).
Western Grebe 2013 Jun-Jul Erie one off Gull Point 6/21-25 (Mark Vass, et al., doc submitted), first record for Erie.
Western Grebe 2017 Aug-Nov Mercer 2 at Lake Wilhelm 11/27 (Gary Edwards, no doc).
Western Grebe 2023 Mar-May Erie one at Presque Isle State Park 4/23-24 (Michael David, m.ob.), doc submitted.
Western Grebe 2024 Mar-May Erie one at Presque Isle State Park 4/14 (John Garrett, et al.), doc submitted.